2023 Relocation Trends: On the Move Again

by Ricardo Ramos on Apr 4, 2023

If we’ve learned anything in the last few years it’s that we should always expect the unexpected. However, as we reflect on our transition into a post-pandemic work structure and look ahead to a year of economic uncertainty, we can start to piece together how relocation will play a role in 2023. 

Here are three of the corporate moving trends we anticipate this year.

1. Relocations Will Go Global

As pandemic-related restrictions continue to be lowered across the globe, we predict that more employees will seek out international relocation opportunities. In 2019, before most of the world had even heard of COVID, a MetLife benefits survey reported that 67% of American employees were interested in moving to another country for work, at least temporarily. Between shut-downs and working from home, U.S. employees now have a desire to explore the world more than ever before, so we expect this percentage has increased. 

Whether your business has international offices that would be open to an exchange program, or you have remote employees who just need a change in scenery, you should consider partnering with a global moving organization who can assist your employees every step of the way. A worldwide relocation provider like SIRVA BGRS, Allied Van Lines’ parent company, is experienced in helping employees transition to a new country, from finding a place to live and transporting personal belongings to navigating Visas and immigration details.

2.  Retention Will Outweigh Recruiting

Recruiting top talent is still a big focus, but we predict that retention will take priority among HR managers this year. Employees are continuing to apply for new jobs despite the fear of layoffs and a potential recession. A talent mobility program that supports career advancement or opens the door to new opportunities within the company can increase employee morale and engagement, according to a recent Forbes article

If a promotion means moving to the company headquarters in another state, some employees might turn down the opportunity in hesitation of the move. Providing a corporate moving benefit to handle all the logistics and costs of the move can address the hesitation head-on and ensure the employee feels appreciated and supported in their career growth.

3. Headquarters Will Head to the Suburbs

We’ve already seen the start of this trend, but we expect that as businesses establish more permanent hybrid working models or plan for a stronger financial safety net, headquarters will be moved from expensive major cities into the suburbs. A Forbes article has shared many examples of this already happening in Chicago, including United Airlines moving from downtown to the Arlington Heights suburbs and Tyson Foods relocating to Springdale, Arkansas. 

Besides the tax benefits and lower costs of renting or buying space in the suburbs, moving headquarters closer to where employees live is a huge relief to those still commuting into the office. Employees with hybrid schedules but long commutes are starting to look for closer opportunities or remote-only jobs. Moving your headquarters out of busy cities, or creating satellite offices in smaller towns, can help reduce turnover among in-office employees.

Find Stability in Allied: The Careful Movers

With so much unpredictability at stake this year, you need a stable partner who can help you navigate any rising trends. Allied Van Lines has walked alongside our corporate clients for major economic shifts and historical milestones throughout our 95 year history. You can trust our relocation expertise, reputable service and steady hand to guide you step-by-step through any changes, this year and beyond. Learn More.