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How to Support Graduates Through Their First Relocation

by Ricardo Ramos on Jul 17, 2023

Welcoming recent college graduates to your team is a great way to bring in fresh energy, ideas and talent. For many of these grads, this is likely their first full-time job and potentially their first time relocating. Offering additional support as they navigate this move and the beginning of their career can go a long way in helping them feel welcome and ready to go on their first day. 

Here are some steps you can take to help support them through this transition. 

Connecting With the Area

Getting to know a new town is one of the most daunting (and exciting!) parts of a big move. This can necessitate a lot of research to learn more about the best places to live, neighborhood cultures and more. Recent graduates may not know how to find this information – or even what information they should be searching for. Even if they moved for college, schools have built-in support and community for incoming students that don’t typically exist in a post-grad world.

Providing relocating grads with information about their new city empowers them to make informed decisions and shows they’re joining a welcoming team that wants to support them. This can include information about:

  • Neighborhoods in the area
  • Traffic and the best routes for commuting
  • Things to do
  • Local specialties and unique offerings

Connecting With Local Professionals

Another way to support recent graduates through their move is to connect them with local realtors or apartment locators. These professionals can share valuable information about their new city and navigate the home search with ease, ensuring they find a safe and comfortable living situation that doesn’t add to the stress of moving and starting a new job. 

Investing in a quality employee relocation program is another great way to ensure employees, whether they’re recent grads or have been with the company for a decade, have support through the entire moving process. Recent grads in particular likely don’t have the money they need to hire movers on their own, so alleviate that burden with financial support. 

Connecting With Community

Your existing employees can be a great resource for newcomers! Consider assigning a mentor or peer group from their new team to help your relocating grad navigate the position, learn more about the organization and get plugged into their new city. This built-in support system can help with first-day jitters by ensuring they already know one person outside of the hiring team before they start. Not only can a buddy policy like this help recent grads, but it can also benefit all new hires by establishing a welcoming and supportive company culture from the start. 

How Allied Can Help You Support Recent Grads

With 95 years of experience, Allied has helped countless recent college graduates relocate to start the next phase of their lives. Allied Corporate Express©️ is designed specifically for small corporate relocations for newly graduated professionals and more. With Corporate Express©️, your HR team and moving employees alike can rest assured that every relocation will be simple, seamless and stress-free. Our national network of over 400 agents means each relocation is supported by quality movers from the community who can offer unique local insights. Learn more.

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