How you can organise moving house during the festive season

How you can organise moving house during the festive season Featured Image
Do you desperately need to move home around the festive season? It can be a daunting time of year for people who are remaining in their current homes, so for those who need to move somewhere else, the stress can take a huge toll during what should be a fun and family-oriented time. 

Allied can help you to get all of your belongings in order, move into your new home stress-free, and allow you the time to spend with family and friends around Christmas and the New Year period. You might not think this possible, but with our professional moving teams, it is.

Moving during Christmas no longer a pipe dream

You've already got so much to organise - it would be disastrous to add another of life's most stressful tasks to the mix.

Regular holiday activities such as shopping, cooking and entertaining can bring unwanted guests, such as stress and depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. That's why it's so important to keep your relocation as stress-free as possible. You've already got so much to organise - it would be disastrous to add another of life's most stressful tasks to the mix. If you have family visiting, you'll be on edge.

If you've just moved into a new home and you're still unpacking and getting the place ready, you could be pushed over the edge, resulting in a potentially hostile Christmas gathering. Nobody wants that!

To make your move during this festive season free of troubles, make note of the list below:
  1. Plan, plan, plan. Make sure you know exactly what needs to be done when, and by who. When people know their roles, they'll be more likely to complete the tasks you set them. Have your Move Consultant give you some advice about packing as well.
  2. Know all about the building you're moving into, and whether or not you need to do any renovations. Ideally you'll know about this months before you move, but having the builders out of the way when you arrive will be a weight off your shoulders.
  3. Sort out the utilities before the Christmas rush starts. Make sure you'll have power, gas, water and internet ready and waiting when you arrive. It might make for a few stressful weeks in late November, but it will be worth it when you can relax at Christmas.
  4. Learn to say "no" to things that will take up too much of your time! Take the advice of Californian psychologist Dr Marc D. Skelton, speaking to WebMD, and don't overcommit.
Allied can help you with every step of the move - from packing delicate items carefully to moving everything (including pets and cars) to cleaning your home after you move out. These are invaluable benefits around the festive season, we're sure you'll agree!

Follow these steps and your move at Christmas will be much more straightforward than you thought possible. Get in touch with Allied today to start the process.