10 Cost-Creative Ways to Move House on a Budget

10 Cost-Creative Ways to Move House on a Budget Featured Image
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the cost of moving is the most frequently cited reason preventing residents from relocating, second only to the cost of purchasing a new home. As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease throughout Australia, prospective homeowners can safely resume house hunting. But, with many households’ finances shaken by the pandemic’s effects, ensuring a budget-friendly move is more of a priority now than ever. If you're considering your next move don't let moving costs hold you back as we share simple, cost-effective strategies that can help you save a significant amount on your next move.

1. Compare quotes from removalists

Once you have decided on a move in the near future, one of your main goals will be to make sure it’s within your budget as well. The easiest ways to gather information about the potential cost of your move is to request quotes from local house removalists. By comparing multiple quotes, you can ensure that you get the best service and value possible that fits within your budget. Just submit a quote request form online and you’ll hear back shortly with a variety of options related to the pricing and specific services you might need. Don’t be afraid to tell the removalists that you’re moving on a tight budget; they should be able to explain which factors contribute to the cost and identify and remove areas that may be non essential for your move, saving you both time and money.

2. Schedule your move on a less popular day

Peak moving season will often depend on your area. For instance, family-friendly neighbourhoods, or residential areas in proximity to a university often see a surge in moves during the school summer holidays. In general, people like to move on Fridays so they have the whole weekend to settle in. Talk to your home removalists to find out which dates are less popular and lower in cost. You may find that a move in the middle of the month is significantly more affordable than booking services towards the end of the month.

3. Declutter your home

The fewer belongings you have, the less expensive your move will be. If you’re aiming to move house on a budget, reducing the number of moving boxes and pieces of furniture not only makes the move quicker but might also allow you to book a smaller moving van.

4. Sell unwanted belongings

When sorting through your belongings, take some time to try reselling them to help offset moving costs. You can find companies online or in person that buy back clothes, furniture, decor items and more. For instance, selling to a second hand bookshop can quite literally take a heavy load off of your removalists. Or you can try selling through an online marketplace to local buyers. Additionally, any items you don’t sell can be donated to a nearby charity or organisation. Be sure to itemise your donations as well, that way you’ll be eligible for a deduction when you lodge your taxes.

5. Keep your cardboard boxes

The cost of cardboard moving boxes can really push you past your tipping point if you’re not prepared. In order to successfully move house on a budget, it’s not a bad idea to keep your old cardboard boxes for future use. Be sure to check first that they are in good working condition and are up to the task of protecting your personal items before you start packing.

6. Use creative packing materials

While packing paper and bubble wrapping are the most durable of packing materials, there are also other alternatives you can consider if this does not fall within budget. Instead, wrap fragile items in towels, clothes and linens. Unused coffee filters work as well for smaller trinkets, as do glossy magazine pages, which won’t transfer ink, like sheets of newspaper will. Pack small consumables like spice jars and tea bags in reusable food containers so you don’t have to buy them again. For delicate and breakable items stuff soft children’s toys or pieces of cloth from your craft room into vases, pots and pans. Just be ready to take on a bit of extra reorganising once you start unpacking.

7. Enlist packing assistance from friends and family

Rather than paying professional removalists to take care of the packing and moving process from start to finish, invite friends and family members over to help you fill up all of your moving boxes. As they say, many hands make light work — and there’s no better way to squeeze in those final bonding moments with old neighbours. Make it a packing party with some good music, food and drinks. Bonus points if you can use up leftovers from the pantry or wine fridge!

8. Put on furniture pads yourself

Covering the cost of removalists wrapping furniture and providing furniture pads and supplies can become expensive when moving on a budget. You can eliminate the need for a removalist to wrap your furniture items by doing this yourself before moving day. Most hardware stores will sell furniture pads of all sizes, tape and stretch wrap. It is important to do this ahead of time, as leaving this last minute could impact your final moving day costs.

9. Make kitchen essentials easy to unpack

One of the unforeseen costs of moving is all the take-away lunches and dinners out whilst attempting to populate your new kitchen with cooking tools and other essentials. You can avoid this expense by simply planning ahead. Gather up at least one full set of tableware, this should include plates, bowls, cups and utensils, as well as place mats and napkins. Next add all the cooking supplies you’ll need to prepare a particular meal. Ideally, this should be a simple recipe that only calls for easy-to-pack nonperishable items. Pack all the ingredients and supplies in a clearly labelled box and you’ll have a head start on dining in at your new home.

10. Optimise your utility services

Moving is the perfect time to compare costs for different utility providers in your new area. Additionally, you can pay less to your old provider if you’re moving in the middle of a billing cycle. Consider cutting off cable TV and other such services. After all, you won’t need them if the television is boxed up!
If you are looking to move locally and on a budget, it is important that you speak to experienced removalists who are flexible in accommodating your needs. Allied are up to date and continue to monitor the Australian Government’s restrictions and best practices surrounding social distancing when moving home. Talk to one of our moving teams today on for more information and organise a free virtual quote.