Employee relocation can be a complicated topic with so many factors impacting the decision to move. Employers may be skeptical of investing in a corporate relocation program and inadvertently limit their recruitment options because of misconceptions about who is willing to relocate for work. We’re pulling back the curtain and shedding light on some of the top misconceptions and myths that exist surrounding employee relocation.
Myth 1: Employees Only Want Remote Jobs
There have been rumors percolating that, “people only want to work remotely.” This statement ignores that all employees are not the same, and it’s also the opposite of what data shows. While it’s true that the majority of workers would prefer to not be in the office full-time, many are not looking for solely remote opportunities. According to a Gallup survey, 65% of employees prefer a hybrid setup. Among 2023 grads, we see both a willingness to relocate and a preference for hybrid work. A recent survey from Handshake shows that 71% of 2023 grads are willing to relocate for the right job and 72% of them would prefer a hybrid setup.
Every employee requires different setups to succeed and find workplace satisfaction. During the height of the pandemic, some employees may have discovered that working remotely or in a hybrid setup is best for them, while the opposite may be true for others. Employees also vary in how they weigh the importance of different factors when taking or staying with a job. While some people may value the ability to work from home over a higher salary, others may be willing to work in person if it means living in their dream location.
Myth 2: Employees with Families or an Established Network are Unwilling to Move
Although people with families or established connections in their current location are less likely to move, that doesn’t mean they’re completely unwilling. Just like single or child-free job seekers, employees with families are still motivated by factors like better pay and career growth opportunities when making the decision to relocate for work. Offering support for the entire family during and after a move is key to employees accepting relocation opportunities and increasing retention.
Ensuring a smooth, stress-free move by partnering with a corporate moving partner, providing child and eldercare referrals and offering flexible hours and paid leave are great options that will encourage employees with families to consider relocation. Additionally, innovative solutions like offering new employees the opportunity to “try out” a move with a sponsored site visit give employees greater insight into the move and peace of mind.
Myth 3: Employees Don’t Want Change
The idea that employees don’t want change is a myth. In fact, the majority of them are actively seeking it out. According to a study from Monster.com, a whopping 96% of workers are looking for a new job in 2023. The report shows that most workers are seeking change because salaries aren’t keeping up with the rising cost of living and they want to leave toxic workplaces.
On the heels of the Great Resignation, the job market is increasingly working in job seekers’ favor. Embracing that by offering flexibility, great benefits and competitive salaries is the best way to take advantage of the influx of employees looking for change and ensure your existing employees aren’t part of that group.
Make Relocation a Benefit with Allied
There are a lot of myths surrounding employee relocation, but getting employers and employees on the same page can help businesses make smart decisions about their talent mobility and recruitment strategies. Let Allied’s nationwide network of agents help you create a streamlined talent mobility program that provides expert support and budget-conscious plans. Making relocation feel like a benefit rather than a burden is key to effective talent mobility, both as a tool for recruiting and retention. With 95 years of experience, Allied has spent decades helping companies navigate the complexities of relocation. Learn more.