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Moving and Relocation Industry News

Managing Headquarters and Corporate Office Relocation Challenges in a Post-pandemic World

The pandemic has caused many businesses to re-evaluate their office and location needs. As more companies commit to hybrid or remote work schedules, some organizations are finding that their current office setups are no longer the best options for their business. Many companies are choosing to restructure or relocate. 

In a post-pandemic world where workforce needs can be more complex than in previous years, it’s important that procurement and leadership teams have all the information they need to make the best decisions for their organization and employees. 

Re-evaluating the Context of Office Space

Nearly every business has been forced to make changes during the past two years, meaning the structures and models that have historically worked for your organization may not anymore. 

This post-pandemic period may seem overwhelming, but it’s a great opportunity for change and discovering new options that may work better for your organization. If your company has moved to a remote or hybrid work model, you may not need to stay in an expensive location like Los Angeles or New York City. You might also find a hub-and-spoke model, where employees can work out of smaller satellite offices that report back to the main headquarters, to be the most beneficial for your employees. 

Corporate Relocation and Hybrid Work Models 

Changing work models have been a major factor in companies re-evaluating their locations and how much space they need. While many companies are taking this opportunity to reimagine their existing offices, others, such as Rite-Aid and Oracle, are finding that a complete relocation is the next right step.

While considering a corporate relocation, organizations have an opportunity to check the pulse of their company and plan for the future. Moving locations with a hybrid work model may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Companies with hybrid or remote workforces have a unique opportunity to relocate without needing to move their entire workforce. 

Employees who decide to stay where they are can switch to a fully remote schedule, while employees who chose to move with the company and continue to work in-person or on a hybrid schedule can do so, which may mean your organization can relocate to a more flexible office space. Additionally, providing this type of flexibility can help improve employee retention, a fact that has only been underscored by the pandemic. 

According to a study by McKinsey and Company, over 50% of employees prefer a flexible work environment and report that they would like their companies to continue or adopt a flexible model. If employees don’t feel pressured to move – potentially forcing them to choose between their job and family or location – they may be more likely to remain in their position. 

Other employees may see this as an opportunity to live somewhere new that has a lower cost of living, has been on their bucket list, or is closer to family. Particularly after two years of mostly being cooped up in their homes, many people are looking for a change – a trend that began back in 2020, which saw a 15% increase in moves from 2019. 

Communication is Key

With many companies moving to a virtual or hybrid model it’s crucial to ensure that your organization maintains consistent and clear communication with the whole organization. Since not everyone is in the same place, it can be easy for employees to fall between the cracks – a problem that only becomes more likely the larger your company is. Take extra care to be sure that every employee is informed regarding your office relocation. 

This is also a great time to ask your employees for feedback. Check-in with people outside the core leadership team to get an idea of what relocation options they think may be best, and see how they’re feeling about their current work setup. As you move forward with planning for the next phase of your organization, be sure that you’re taking into account the situations of employees most affected by these decisions.

The Careful Movers®

With one of the largest national moving company networks, Allied has the experience and efficiency to support your corporate relocation. Whether you’re moving across the country or across town, our agents know how to provide a quality, hassle-free move for your relocating employees. Allied agents lean on 90+ years of experience to overcome any challenge and ensure a positive relocation experience. Learn more

Are you an employee who is relocating with a lump sum benefit? Contact our moving experts now and get started.
Are you an employee who is relocating with a lump sum benefit? Contact our moving experts now and get started.